1. Choose three differences from your notes and explain how they are different from the original story.
2. Give your opinion about the effects each of these specific differences had
on your view and why.
3. Give reasons why you think the director of the movie made the changes. What was the director trying to convey that the writer, Daniel Keyes, was not and why?
1. Respond to two other peer posts.
2. Use peer’s name
in your response.
3. Choose a quote/point
from his/her post to agree or disagree
with or question.
with or question.
4. Explain how the
quote/point helps further your opinion or contradict it.
5. Expand on the
quote/point you chose with further ideas or questions for your peer.
Remember to T.H.I.N.K. (is it True, Helpful, Important, Necessary, and Kind)
before you post! (Disrespectful language will be subject to disciplinary action and removal from future internet activities.)